agile365 enterprise

Robot Assisted Molding

advanced automation for advanced speed and precision

Robot-assisted Molding and Assembly Automation

Robot Assisted Molding at Dymotek is the result of advanced and full-cycle process engineering. It offers you a solution that reflects both our scientific molding approach, and our dedicated service approach.

Through robot assisted molding, we consider the entire process considering all variables from the “plastics point of view,” and also from our client's point of view. The result: faster transfer times, improved efficiency and increased output while also ensuring overall cost savings, and reduced product and material waste.

Our robotic-assisted molding and assembly cells are configured in 2-axis through 6-axis movement flexibility to address even the most complicated manufacturing needs. For projects with delicate parts where handling is a concern—and for parts where there is no room for tolerance variation—Dymotek’s robot-assisted molding and assembly automation can deliver results to meet and exceed expectation.

Robot-assisted Molding and Assembly Automation

Get in Touch

Please complete the form to learn more about Dymotek or to have someone from our team contact you. You can also contact us by phone or mail.

7 Main Street, Ellington, CT 06029
24 Scitico Road Somers, CT 06071

toll free: 800-788-1984
local: 860-875-2868

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like additional information about our services please send us a message.