agile365 enterprise

Portfolio Management

plastic part program efficiency through coordinated planning

Portfolio Management - A Dymotek advantage of plastic part program efficiency

Portfolio Management for improving the molding and distribution of multi-variable plastic parts is another important Dymotek advantage.

Through our portfolio management program, our RJG-Certified Master Molders apply a systematic scientific injection molding approach that identifies and analyzes all molding variables.

This can include Design of Experiment (DoE) at design and manufacturing levels to avoid program-hindering pitfalls and ensure success for a total manufacturing solution.

Portfolio Management

Our molding portfolio management extends coordinated guidance to:

Portfolio Management Evaluation

Evaluation, fine-tuning, and coordinated control of these environments results in a repeatable, time- and money-saving platform. A solution that delivers uncompromising quality through predictable and sustainable plastic part portfolio management.

* (for non-medical products only)

Get in Touch

Please complete the form to learn more about Dymotek or to have someone from our team contact you. You can also contact us by phone or mail.

7 Main Street, Ellington, CT 06029
24 Scitico Road Somers, CT 06071

toll free: 800-788-1984
local: 860-875-2868

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like additional information about our services please send us a message.